Course image Accommodation Services and Food and Beverage Services
Level 2

Level of qualification: 2

Credit total: 73-89


This qualification represents the attainment of core competencies associated with work roles in the Hospitality sector and an exploration of work roles and career options in this sector. Two Specialist Strands enable people to gain an enhanced ‘taste’ of career opportunities in the two principal sub categories within the sector – careers associated with accommodation services such as Housekeeping and Front Office operations and careers associate with food and beverage services such as Cookery and Food and Beverage Service. People seeking this qualification must complete one of the Specialist Strands.

Providers wishing to design programmes of learning related to this qualification could develop courses relating to either or both Strands. 

This qualification has been designed on the assumption that any person embarking on training towards the requirements of the qualification has appropriate foundational competencies in literacy, numeracy and interpersonal skills as indicated, perhaps, in the Level 1 National Vocational Certificate in Vocational Education and Training Foundation. Attainment of the requirements of this level 2 qualification would likely act as confirmation that foundational competence exists.

In keeping with the competency needs of this sector and the country, training programmes linked to this qualification should include comprehensive attention to health  matters. Such attention could be given in the context of training associated with Unit 42 included in this qualification.

This qualification leads towards certificate qualifications at Level 3 in each of the specialist modalities of the Hospitality sector. The Compulsory set of this qualification has also been included in those qualifications. Relevant unit standards in either of the Strands have also been included as compulsory requirements in the respective qualifications at Level 3 so as to enable credit progression.

Outcome for whole qualification

Holders of this qualification are able to demonstrate the core knowledge and skills for work roles across the Hospitality industry and core work activities associated with one job roles within a sub category of the sector.

Course image HOSPITALITY –CORE SKILLS Title: Conduct routine workplace oral communication in an Asian, African or European language other than English in a hospitality establishment
Level 2

This unit standard specifies the competency required to use an Asian, African or European language other than English for predictable, routine communication with guests and colleagues in tourism and hospitality workplaces. People credited with this unit standard are able to communicate with guests and colleagues in an Asian, African or European language other than English to: provide customer service; conduct routine transactions; and give simple directions and instructions.

Course image Conduct Basic Oral And Written Workplace Communication in English
Level 2


Welcome to  Conduct Basic Oral And Written Workplace Communication in English in a hospitality Establishment.

My Name is Valeria Shikalepo, I am your trainer for this course.